Dahlias and Summer Flowering Bulbs Have Arrived!

Dazzling Dahlias


Enthusiastic gardeners are keen to return to their gardens and plan for the year ahead.  Now is a fantastic time to explore our spectacular Dahlia collection. It is so exciting to see plants grow from the tubers you have selected followed by the flowers in late summer.

Dahlias are available in all different colours, shapes and sizes from dainty pom poms to spectacular dinner plates with enormous blooms. Grow a mixture of different flower types ranging in size to create a glorious display and supply of colour from summer through to the frost in autumn.

Abundance of Flowers

Dahlias put on a glorious show of colour, suiting most garden styles from cottage borders to tropical displays. Bees love dahlias, so try planting single-petaled or open-flowered to encourage bees and other wildlife into your garden to enjoy the nectar-rich centres!

Their beautiful flowers look bold and beautiful in an arrangement and the best time to cut them is in the cool of the morning, choose open flowers as the buds will not open once removed and cut stems as far down as you can.  Regular deadheading will also prolong the flowering period and removing the spent blooms which have a pointed appearance will encourage rounded fresh buds to grow. 

Planting Dahlia Tubers

Dahlias can be grown in both the ground and in containers, thriving in rich, well-drained soil in a sunny but if possible, a slightly sheltered position away from strong winds, but you can use plant supports where necessary.

To get your dahlias going, plant them in simple plastic pots and keep the tubers in a light, frost-free place and then they can be planted in the garden after the risk of spring frosts has passed!

 Explore Our Summer Flowering Bulbs

Slug Prevention

One nemesis of the Dahlia is slugs, you can use a variety of products to help protect them - one we have found to work the best is Strulch!  A light and easy-to-use garden mulch made from wheat straw for perfect for organic gardening.  It reduces weed growth by up to 95% whilst also retaining moisture around plants and enriching the soil structure over time as it decomposes.  Strulch has a neutral pH and is suitable for ornamental plants and vegetable plots with the bonus of preventing damage as it deters slugs and snails.